Kinda at the last minute I decided to sign up for classes at MATC (local community college). By last minute, I registered for classes 2 days before they started. It has been a bit of an internal debate about whether or not I should go back this semester but I finally decided that I want to. There was a brief period where I was considering not going back at all. I just wondered what was the point if there is no way to know how long I would be able to work. I didn't want to spend all the time in school and then only end up working at my career for a year or two. I have know way of knowing how long I might be able to work, and I still won't like it if it were only for a short period, but I have determined that finishing college is still important to me.
I am glad that I took last semester off because I wouldn't have been able to have finished all my classes. It just would have been too much with all the doctor visits and the feeling terrible. I'm feeling less terrible so I'm hoping I can handle this semester. I signed up for "easy" classes, ie no calculus or physics. I hope to go back to MSOE in the fall (to finish my dual degree in mechanical engineering and business management) so this is kinda like a test run. I'm taking four classes and all but one of them are online. I only have to drive to campus one day a week. Hopefully, this means I'll be able to do my work when I'm having a good day and won't have to worry as much about trying to get to school if the weather is bad.
Registering for classes was interesting. I was registering later so that limited my choices. Then I was looking for "easy" classes that transferred that were scheduled at a campus close to me. I didn't want classes that started before 10am and ended later then 3pm. And I wanted to minimize the number of days I was driving. Despite all these restraints, I seemed to have found a schedule that works. I'm taking a leadership principles class, supply chain management, personal selling and supervision. The leadership and supervision class are a bit confusing because the same professor teaches them, the course number is only one digit different, and right now the material is very similar.
Other than the first day I'm off to a great start but more on that later.
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